WASD - Move
Interact - Press P while looking at the object

The game takes place in the late 8th century. You are a villager whose village has been struck with a deadly plague. The elder tell a dungeon hidden by the wild forest hides a dungeon with knowledge that could put a stop to the plague’s massacre.  For what the stories tell, the dungeon is filled with darkness, and anyone who has attempted to venture into it has never made it back.


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This game is very barebones, but here's what I think:

Roaming around without aim is not the most engaging experience. I would make the maze smaller and the threat more obvious and avoidable, play with claustrophobia.

Give more agency to the player. I don't know where the objectives are, but if I could control the torch consumption, I may be able to play around the challenge. Currently, as soon as the torch goes out, I can't do much about it unless I remember where the pickup was, which I don't because it's a maze.

Making mazes feel fun is very hard.

Thanks for the feedback! I definitely agree with your points. 

Originally I planned to have "The Shadows" be an actual physical enemy that'd be far more engaging and hostile with the player. I actually got the pathfinding system up, but having had only the last two days of the jam to work on the project I couldn't get the full logic done, and had to cut down to the current sound only system. After further thought, I'll likely reuse the system for a different enemy to spice things up.

Right now the maze walls do start getting closer to each other as you verse deeper into the maze, which aims to serve as a method to know your general whereabouts, but I could for sure tune it up more, and regarding the navigation, adjust the layout of the maze to be more lineal, and give the player a way to track the objectives so it isn't just a guessing game.

Regarding the torch, having more control over its duration and general state seems fair since right now the player has little power over the game's flow.

Thanks again for taking the time to try my submission and commenting!

if I were to continue improving the experience, I feel like this would fit great:
+ more enemies to watch out for
+ graphical improvements
+ tutorial
+ completion timer
+ directional sound
+ difficulties

and finally....
a main menu. 👻

all feedback is welcome! 

psst... I've never completed the game without cheating (using scene view) so whoever does finish it will be the first ever I guess. 👍